PHP for Azure
Looking to extend your coding toolbox with a tried and true language? Check out one of the most popular server side scripting languages, the easy-to-learn PHP, which is used in many blogging platforms. Hear about the history of PHP, explore its pros and cons, and take a look at configuration and debugging.
In this Jump Start training, join popular presenters Stacey Mulcahy and Jamie Kosoy, as they show you how to set up your development environment, teach you to write a basic blogging application, and step through deployment on Azure. You might be surprised at how quickly you can take an idea and get it up and running in PHP on Azure!
Course Outline: A History of PHP
Getting Started
Convert Simple Static Website to Use PHP
Adding Custom Content and Databases
Making APIs with PHP
Deploying to Azure
Where to Go from Here
Instructor Team
Stacey Mulcahy | Microsoft Technology Evangelist Mulcahy is a developer, writer, tinkerer, speaker, and teacher, in addition to being a Microsoft Technology Evangelist. Her work has earned her well-deserved admiration in the technology community. She has spoken at more than 45 events all over the world, including FITC in Toronto. Stacey has been published in Slate and Huffington Post and has contributed to several O'Reilly publications as a technical editor. She teaches in academic programs and industry workshops, and she regularly hosts technology webcasts.
Jamie Kosoy | Arbitrary, Founder | @jkosoy Jamie Kosoy is the Founder of Arbitrary, an inventive digital agency. Equal parts creative thinker, educator, and programmer, Jamie brings more than 10 years of experience leading digital teams on projects with unique challenges or new technologies. Prior to founding the company, Jamie was Technology Directory at Big Spaceship, helping to grow the company into the digital powerhouse it is today. Jamie also taught for more than five years in the MFA Design + Technology Program at Parsons.
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